Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Top 5 Mistakes of Affiliate Marketers

If you want to work from home and you think being an affiliate marketers a good idea, good for you. This can be a very lucrative online business for you.However, make sure you don't make the same mistakes as other affiliate marketers have. For the best and most profitable business, avoid these mistakes.

1) Don't choose an oversaturated niche

Let's say you've researched affiliate marketing. You find an e-book that is all about Internet marketing and how to make money. You buy it, thinking it's going to tell you everything you need to know about Internet marketing. However, it's actually meant to be sold as a product itself. No problem. You decide that you're going to market this e-book as an affiliate marketer.

However, this is a bad idea, because the Internet marketing niche itself is heavily saturated, meaning that you won't have much success.You've got lots of competition. Choose a niche that doesn't have so much competition. You greatly increase your chances of success by doing so.

2) Don't build a terrible, amateurish website

Remember that your website is a representation of you on the Internet. No matter what you look like or how smart you are, your website is going to say volumes about you without anyone seeing you in person. Therefore, if your website is terribly put together, physically unattractive, or just plain difficult to get around, people will run the other way. Make your website unique, simple to get around, attractive to look at, and provide valuable content as well.

This is what will keep people coming back, and it will get you word-of-mouth advertising, too. Make navigation bars easy to find and your set up simple and intuitive.And avoid loud graphics.They're not cute; they just hurt the eyes and make people go away.

In addition, make your website copy unique and fresh. Don't just swipe it from someplace else and call it yours. Not only will this likely get you shot down by the search engines (which is a terrible thing to have happen to you when you're trying to start a business), but where will likely get around that you've done this and it will destroy your credibility.

3) Don't make your website's content one big sales letter, with nothing else useful to say

Okay, we know that you want to sell your product or service. That's fine. However, to get people to come to your website and keep coming back, you want to give them fresh and informative copy that they'll be interested to read. If you build yourself up as an authority in your field, people are much more likely to buy your product. And they'll get you much more traffic, too, since word-of-mouth will get you more visitors.

4) Make sure you capture people's e-mail addresses and names

One of the worst things you can do is to not provide an "opt in" mailing list or something else to visitors of your website so that you can get their names and addresses. Now, you shouldn't simply capture e-mail addresses without people's permission and then spam them. That's a no-no and that's going to get you shut down very fast. However, if you run a newsletter or other useful entity in addition to selling your product or service, you have a legitimate way to get people's e-mail addresses so that you can send them useful "products and services" updates, even as you send truly useful newsletter content.

5) Make your customers your focus

If you are on the Internet simply to sell a product or service and you only care about the money you're going to make, people will smell this and will run away from you as fast as they can. Remember that your main focus as an affiliate marketer is to sell your product or service with your customer in mind. This means that you have to believe in your product or service, and you really know that it's going to benefit your customer. If you just focus on the big bucks and how many sales you've made this week, you're not going to succeed. Make your customers your focus and make sure they're happy with what they've got, and they'll keep coming back; in addition, they'll bring in new customers, too.

Article Source:

VC Internet Media, An Affiliate Network and internet marketing company that offers the core components include Internet marketingaffiliate marketingdigital marketing, Branding, digital advertising, SEO,Search engine marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising, Social Media and Lead Generation expertise.

1 comment:

  1. Hello friend nice to see your post on affiliate marketing i had never tried affiliate marketing but after reading your post i think i will give a shot to it


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